Dream Awake!
Create the Life You Want and the World You Want to Live In
The Dream Awake! Series is about manifesting our new paradigm during key astrological points that support our transformation.
: Previous Events :

Dream Awake : Spring Transformation
Creating the Life You Want and the World You Want to Live In
Zoom Workshop in 1 or 2 days
Class capped at 12 people
It’s time to … Dream Awake and Transform!
Inspired by the astrological support we are currently receiving, these experiential workshops will help you to Shift Your Paradigm to create the life that you and your soul most want for yourself. Supported by universal frequencies to become our most authentic selves—living in a fuller truth of who we are—we are in a powerful time to shift our consciousness completely, and to manifest our lives in a way we never dreamed possible before. Utilizing the current Astrological and Astronomical Energies along with Energy Science to infuse and fully embody our beings with these new frequencies, and deep exercises and concepts to move us beyond who we were into who we most wish to be. Manifest your cosmic dream life during this potent time with me.
On this last day of winter we will learn more about the transformational astrology taking place right now to assist us, muse on what we’ve released and nurtured during this powerful season, refresh our thought concepts, and further our journey into the self by releasing the frequencies we no longer wish to hold. With a meditation journey and discussion to prepare us for Monday’s rebirth energy, this day brings the release needed to go freshly into Spring.
Rebirth into a new vibrational frequency…
This is it! This is the big day. Continue the workshop journey or start fresh on this new day that some feel symbolizes a new frequency on earth. Astrologically much more powerful than a normal ‘Spring Clean’, we’ll discuss more on the universal support we are currently receiving, concepts around frequency and fractals, get clear on what we most wish to bring in, and shift into the new frequency your soul already knows through intention and meditation. Join with other like-minded souls to completely shift your vibration and being in this evolutionary time of change!
Dream Awake : Spring Transformation
Sunday 3/19/23 6-8pm est – Release
Monday 3/20/23 8-10pm est – Rebirth
Live on Zoom!
One workshop : $33
Both workshops : $55
Come together in community to heighten and magnify your personal experience, and truly set in a new frequency of being. Note: you may want to have your astro chart handy
This is a followup to our powerful Dream Awake workshop last fall, yet no previous class necessary or needed.
This workshop can be taken as a single day or both days…
: Previous Event :

It’s time to … Dream Awake!
Create the Life You Want and the World You Want to Live In
Inspired by the Eclipse Season we are currently in, this experiential workshop will help you to Shift Your Paradigm to create the life that you and your soul most want for yourself. We are in a powerful time to see more deeply into our subconscious that usual, and to make core life changing shifts through this process. We are being supported by the universe to become our most authentic selves, living in a fuller truth of who we are. Utilizing the current Astrological Energies along with Energy Science to infuse our being, we will embody powerfully deep exercises and concepts to move us beyond who we are into who we most wish to be. Manifest your cosmic dream life during this potent time with me.
Monday 11/7/22
7-9:30 pm eastern • $44
Live on Zoom!
The Faerie Den
West 55th Street • NYC